Old Terminologies for Autism

Old terminologies for autism are not used now, new term ASD has replaced all other old terms. Now Medical experts and professions do not use terms like mild,moderate,severe or high functioning. These terms are not use in authorised assessment and evaluation. Some individuals discover these words useful, but many in the autistic society haven’t seen them as useful or correct, especially due to the spectrum of capabilities that can be current in an autistic individual.

There are three “levels” of autism, level one is the mild category level two is moderate category where as level threeis the severe catagory.

ASD contains people who have a few mild autistic features to those who need help with functioning. It describes every intellect group, also contrasting phases of communication and sociable capabilities. New term ASD replaced the old terminologies for autism but no change in their levels or functions which are mentioned before.

High Functioning Autism

This term describes mild autism, or level one in the spectrum. Asperger’s syndrome is usually depicted as high-functioning autism. Symptoms are present, but the demand for help is less.

Broad Autism Phenotype

Broad autism phenotype is that time that’s seldom used.It’s usually described as “autistic features” without a diagnosis. Signs are mild and not clinically significant for diagnosis.

Research has reported that this can be occasionally notice in families of people with an autism.

Severe Autism

Severe autism is level three in the Autism spectrum disorder. People with severe autism need help with daily functioning. Peolpe falling in this category do not ask caregiving, or a high level of help across the lifespan.

Rett syndrome

Rett Syndrome do not come under the spectrum. Genetic mutation cause brain disorder in this syndrome. Rett syndrome usually involves girls who display specific development in the early years of life.

Then, signs begin to emerge, concerning problems with:

  • speech and language
  • lack in communication
  • understanding
  • coordination
  • education

Eventually, affected children may have repetitious actions. Other signs include:

  • delayed development
  • small head size
  • drooling
  • abnormal eye movements, gaping or blinking
  • coldest remedies
  • sleep disorders
  • crankiness
  • breathing irregularities
  • seizure attacks

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