Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder can be seen in many children in early babyhoods, like avoiding or no eye contact, decreased reaction when calling their names or unconcern for guardians. Many youngsters develop normally for a few months or years of life, but then suddenly become aggressive or lose speech and language skills they had learnt before. Each youngster in this category has a special behaviour, and a class of severity and also can have low to high functioning.

Children with autism spectrum disorder also face difficulty in learning and show symptoms of having lower intelligence than normal children of the same age. On the other hand, some children with the disorder can have normal to high intelligence. Those can learn easily, yet have problems in communication and functioning in daily life tasks and work and difficulty in adjustment to social life.

ASD has an unusual combination of symptoms in every child, severity level can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. It’s generally founded on the level of disorder and how they influence the capacity to perform.

Below are some common symptoms shown by people with an autism spectrum disorder.

Social Contact and Interaction Of ASD

People with autism spectrum disorder may have problems may show these symptoms:

  • Unable to react to name or seems not even hear sometimes.
  • Opposes cuddling and holding hands by others
  • Like to play independently, creating into his or her world
  • No lack of eye contact and does not give a facial expression
  • None verbal or delayed and few words speech or loses the last vocabulary of words.
  • Don’t initiate a chat or only start one to make appeals.
  • Communicates irregularly and may use a song/poem.
  • Use a robot-like voice.
  • Repeats words or phrases again and again, but is unable to use them correctly.
  • Doesn’t understand simple questions and directions.
  • Unable to express his/her emotions or feelings
  • Unaware of the feelings of others.
  • Doesn’t share things with others.
  • Become aggressive or disruptive at social gatherings.
  • Facing difficulties in identifying nonverbal gestures, like facial expressions, body gestures and voice tone.

Behaviour Patterns Of ASD

People with autism spectrum disorder may have restricted, repetitious patterns of behaviour, interests or actions, including any of these signs:

  • Do repetitive movements, such as rocking, rotating or hand flapping.
  • Like to do activities that can self-harm, such as biting or head-banging.
  • Forms specific practices and becomes upset at the smallest change.
  • Shows difficulty in coordination or has odd movement patterns, such as clumsiness, and walks on toes.
  • Has inflexible body language.
  • Love to spin the wheels, and stack things, but don’t understand the overall purpose.
  • They have sensitive issues regarding light, sound or touch.
  • Doesn’t engage in pretend play.
  • Fixates on an object or activity.
  • Eating choices, eating a few foods, or rejecting foods with a particular consistency and taste.

Related Article: Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)

Related Article: Autism Meltdowns

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